How soon can I start exercise after having baby?

This depends on the nature of the birth and your recovery. We recommend 6-8 weeks for a natural birth and 10-12 weeks for a C Section. Your body has been on a rollercoaster and it needs time to recover. We require all mums to have medical clearance from their GP before starting our classes.


Can I bring baby and children along?

Yes! Our classes are baby and child friendly. As well as babies, older children are always welcome. The older children often like to join in and copy mum and can always play next to where we are exercising.


I haven’t exercised in a long time, will the classes be ok for me?

Yes! Our classes are suitable for all fitness levels. We are able to adapt an exercise or change it to suit individual requirements, pelvic floor/prolapse, weaknesses or old injuries. Please don’t worry, the majority of mums will be in the same situation. There's no pressure! Work at the level that works for you and progress when ready. The important thing is to start getting more active and have fun with it!


I’m looking to make new mummy friends, are these classes good for that?

These classes are fantastic for making new mummy friends! We do team and buddy workouts to break the ice and have such a giggle in class. Everyone supports each other and cheers each other on. A lot of the mums have coffee and a chat after class and also meet up outside the classes, which is lovely to see. Super Mumma Fitness recognises how important it is for mums to have social support and we always encourage it!


What happens if my baby gets upset in class or needs me for anything?

Our classes are very relaxed. If you need to attend to baby at any point, go for it! It doesn’t matter if it’s for feeding, changing or a cuddle… baby comes first. And when baby is happy, just hop back in when you're ready!


What should I wear to the class?

A good pair of trainers and comfortable gym clothes. It's very important to invest in a good sports bra. For Buggy Bootcamp in the colder weather, wear plenty of layers that can be stored under the buggy as you warm up during the class.


What happens if it’s raining or snowing for Buggy Bootcamp? 

If the weather is bad we may have to postpone the class. We will alert everyone via a group message on WhatsApp as early as possible. The postponed class will be added to the end of the six-week block so nothing is lost!